A Little Update!

Hello lovely Harmony Family!

There have been lots of changes behind the scenes at Harmony Headwraps over the last year. Last summer, I took the difficult decision to retire from my main business after 17 years as an accountant, due to personal circumstances which saw me needing to lower my stress levels and being able to make more time for my son. Once I got over this sadness (end of an era!), and indeed finished up outstanding work over the next 6 months, I was delighted to be able to focus all my work attention to Harmony. This tiny business which opened up on a shoestring from a couple of boxes under my spare bed and selling via a Facebook group, has become a small but thriving worldwide community and a viable small business.

Now I have more time for Harmony, I can also look at all the things I didn’t have time to before – including a long overdue look at pricing. I don’t need to tell you how much the cost of living has gone up, we’re all very aware of it, and while I don’t like to add to that, if Harmony is going to continue to be a viable business that can provide beautiful scarves and accessories to the wrapping community, then I’m afraid needs must. The price of a shaper hasn’t changed from £22 in the nearly 5 years I’ve been making them, and my handmade scarves have become a much bigger section of my stock as you can’t get enough of them, and I love you for it! But I only have so much time myself to attend to all the business hats (scarves!) I have to wear, and it will be a while before I can take on anyone to help with the manufacturing side of things.

So! You have until the 7th June to grab things at the current prices. After that, the shop will shut for a day or two while I reprice everything. Some things might reduce, some will stay the same, but anything handmade will likely be going up.

I’m so happy to have much more time now to spend on developing new designs, making apron scarves and the other handmade creations that are in the works. I’ve always loved textiles, ever since I was a child I’ve loved sewing, and it’s a dream to be able to do this for a living – and it’s humbling to think that people buy my designs! I’m so truly grateful to each and every one of you, I’d never have dreamed that Harmony Headwraps could become this, and I’m excited to take it to the next level.

In the medium term I would love a much larger section of Harmony to be carefully picked and created ‘slow fashion’ scarves, quality pieces that will last, and which can be sold or gifted onto to other wrappers when it’s time to destash (which I know already happens!). The fashion industry is rightly under lots of scrutiny for its environmental and human welfare impacts, and I want to do my part to tread lightly on the Earth and its inhabitants as much as I can.

Thank you for sticking with me (both in this long post, and in general!), and for being Harmony Family!

With love

Gwen xxx

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